Lodge Way
Lodge Farm Industrial Estate
Contact Name: Julie Sloan
Phone: 01604 583421
Fax: 01604 587392
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
About TMI Foods
Northampton-based TMI Foods is the UK arm of the Dawn Farms group of companies, an industry leader in the manufacture and supply of cooked meat ingredients throughout Europe.
TMI Foods' state-of-the-art factory, the most modern cooked bacon plant of its type in Europe, is located at the heart of Britain’s sandwich and food manufacturing industry in Northampton , and employs the very latest technology to produce the most consistent and
innovative products, principally cooked bacon but also roasted vegetables and protein based snacks including pigs in blankets.
TMI is a fully accredited supplier to UK/European retailers and global food brands and sells into the sandwich and pizza sectors in foodservice and food manufacturing. TMI is USDA approved for export to the United States and its Military and Navy bases.
The company became the first UK cooked bacon company to achieve the Red Tractor Assurance standard in 2012 and is active in new product development work for its wide range of customers in the food manufacturing and foodservice sectors. It produces 10 million rashers per week (enough for 1.6 million sandwiches) and is recognised throughout the industry for its innovative processing systems, using natural smoking techniques with beech, apple or oak wood, and a variety of cures with flavours including sweet cherry, maple and hops.
TMI Foods works closely with its customers, many of whom are leading names in the food retailing, manufacturing and foodservice industries throughout the UK and The European Union, helping them achieve a point of difference by continually working on the development of new flavours, different cuts, distinctive tastes and healthier options.