
Welcome to the first ever bumper ‘Summer’ issue of Café Life – 88 pages of interviews, news, profiles, products and so much more. It’s been a labour of love and reflects a fresher, stronger identity for the mag, as we look to celebrate everything that’s happening in the café/coffee house sectors. 

The Lifestyle section is growing, as I enjoyed exclusive one-on-one time with the likes of GAIL’s, Assembly Coffee and Fairfields Farm. And check out the Vive la France special – our Gallic neighbours are becoming more influential with their sweet treats and NPD. 

I had the privilege of attending the new Franke showroom opening, which was a perfect starter for our coffee machines special, while the cold drinks focus illustrates just how important this offering now is. From RTDs to kombucha, operators need to cash in. 

As for the shopfitting/design section, check out the exceptional talent on show at Wayland’s Yard, Two Magpies and Industville – inspiration for everyone! While a professional rugby star in Bristol takes us behind the scenes at Burra. 

Thank you so much to all those who contributed… and here’s to summer! 

Alex Bell - Editor



4 to 30 - Lifestyle - GAIL’s / M&S Cafe / BRITA Grounds of Innovation / Assembly Coffee / Biscoff / Mozzo Coffee / Fairfields Farm / Regale / Ferrero / Vive la France: Delice de France; Delifrance; Symphonie Pasquier
80-82 - Specials Board - Burra, Bristol


32 - Changing Gear - Franke
36 - Bright Future - Fracino
40 - Emotional Connection - Evoca
46 - Quality and Conservation - UCC
50 - Espresso Yourself - Cimbali


52 - Sustainably Cool - Grind
56 - A Pure Process - Lost Sheep
58 - The Kombucha Revolutionaries - MOMO


62 - Going Their Own Way - Wayland’s Yard
66 - You Can Bank On - Two Magpies
68 - Perfection by Design - Industville


74 - Road to Carbon Neutrality - Lincoln & York
76 - Special Delivery - Packfleet
78 - Backing Up Sustainabilty Claims - Celebration Packaging